Bruce Walsh

"Using my experience, knowledge, and connections to help writers navigate the often intimidating world of publishing has turned out to be a beautiful evolution of my career. "​​

Bruce Walsh

My Publishing Philosophy​​​

I resigned in protest from Oxford University Press, my first job in publishing, when it censored the book, Gay Ideas. I became an anti-censorship activist during the AIDS era, when the federal government was censoring safe sex information and trying to close down our bookstores.

Read more here.

That free speech work continued when I moved to Saskatchewan to start University of Regina Press, where I published Indigenous voices, histories, and languages, which had been censored and suppressed for generations.

Read a profile that explores that work and my philosophy of publishing.

Disability & Empowerment

Bruce stepped down from his role as publisher at Anansi due to an unexpected illness and disability. Humans are adaptable and after some time, his life reached a new equilibrium.
Becoming disabled deepened his understanding of both the human condition and his own capabilities. It gave him the opportunity to envision a new role for himself in the book business.
Helping writers navigate the often intimidating world of publishing turned out to be a beautiful evolution of his career. It’s intellectually engaging, pays the bills, and advances his personal motto: to be of service.
His services can be of help to you, too.

"I know from experience that education comes in many forms."

Bruce Walsh

The Education of an Autodidact

The classroom never suited Bruce. He was pushed through high school with a 50 in French, 50 in math, and 50 in biology, and was still accepted into university. But once he discovered publishing, he left without a degree.
New ideas often get into the world through scholarly books and academic publishing, hence his love of the sector. Helping academics turn their research into books provided an amazing education, as has working with some of the best minds in other areas.
Bruce was honoured to be invited by the Pierre Elliot Trudeau Foundation to mentor some of Canada’s top scholars. Helping academics achieve their goals is something he has always done. Helping anyone dedicated to their writing is something he loves to do. He can help you, too.

"Advocating for what I believe in and helping those who need a hand is why I get involved."

Bruce Walsh


Much of what Bruce knows, he learned as a volunteer. “The more you give, the more you get” the old saying goes, and volunteering made his world so much bigger. 
In order to become successful you need to get lucky a sage once said. How to get lucky? Show up, say yes, volunteer. Here are some of the activities that made Bruce lucky:

Le Refuge des Jeunes de Montréal​

He lost his housing years ago and ended up sleeping in a car and couch surfing. That experience opened his eyes to homelessness, so he volunteered in a homeless shelter after moving to Montreal. He loved the work and considered giving up publishing to do it full time. But life intervened. There were so many lessons from the experience, including this is where he learned to speak French.


As a volunteer for GayLine, a crisis and information hotline, Bruce learned to become an active listener (which made him a much better publisher). As it’s President, it was his first opportunity to manage people. Listening takes focus, which proved invaluable as host and producer of community radio shows in Toronto and Montreal. This skill, picked up through volunteering, is a superpower.


Canopy is the Cirque du Soleil of environmentalism, and being on the board allowed him to participate in altering the supply chain for paper, including in publishing. Canopy has saved billions of trees and created a model of change that has been adopted around the world. He learned everything from governance, to branding, to high level fundraising from Canopy, as well the science of climate change, the necessities of sustainable habitat, and the tactics of vested interests opposed to change.

“Bruce, thank you for fabulous 10 years on the Canopy Board!! Your spirit and leadership buoyed our boat through challenging times. Your passion and joy for life inspired us to strive for the seemingly impossible. Our movement needs more activists like you!”


During the height of the AIDS epidemic, Canada Customs under the Mulroney government seized thousands of books at the border, headed to lesbian and gay bookstores, and censored safe sex information, the only thing that could save lives at the time. Bruce became more engaged in the fight after resigning in protest from his first job in publishing after Oxford University Press censored the book, Gay Ideas. But when the leader of CensorStop got sick, he had to step in. The stakes could not have been higher and following the pattern established by history, the censorship spread: first to feminist bookstores, then to leftist bookstores, then to general bookstores. Then to artists. Because of high profile court cases and a lot of negative media publicity, the censorship finally stopped. These were dark but heady time and Bruce learned a deeper understanding of democracy and its threats, how to shape a media message, how to pitch a story and give an interview, along with effective political strategy and how to craft a court challenge. Most importantly, activism gave him a voice. He has dedicated his life to helping others find their voices too. He can help you.

Volunteering Now

After stepping down from Anansi, it took about a year of adjustment before thinking about the rest of his life. Actually, he didn’t figure out anything. He decided to say yes to volunteering and see what happens. Almost immediately, he was asked to join the board of the Port Medway Readers’ Festival. That sounded like fun. Then he was asked to rejoin the board of Pen Canada, which advocates on behalf of imprisoned writers around the world and fights censorship at home. Then, as vice chair of the Disabilities Committee for the South Shore Libraries, he innocently asked how the planning for the Lunenburg Literary Festival was going, which they produce. The library recently lost their CEO, who produced the festival, so not well. “Need a hand?” he asked and ended up programming much of last year’s festival and now the upcoming season. But he hadn’t figured out to make an income. But all the activity put the wind at his back and momentum kept growing. Would he speak to a writers group about the process of publishing? The next day, writers stated calling. Out of the blue he had a business—hence this website. Always say yes to things!