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Bruce Walsh with his former boss, Margaret Atwood
Bruce Walsh with his former boss, Margaret Atwood

Meet Bruce Walsh

A publisher with a unique perspective on life and literature.  With over 30 years in the book business, Bruce has worked with authors such as Margaret Atwood and Alice Munro and published books that have made a significant impact on society. A champion of the voiceless, he has published homeless authors to great success, while his volunteerism and anti-censorship work has earned him respect and recognition in the publishing world and beyond. Helping writers achieve their potential is something he loves to do. He can help you too.

Make an appointment to meet with Bruce

"I know how agents, editors, and publishers think—their concerns and priorities—and why they sign the books they do."

Bruce Walsh

Expert advice

With decades in the book business, including as publisher of House of Anansi Press, founding director of University of Regina Press, and years of working with New York and London based firms, Bruce offers a publisher's perspective on how to navigate the complex, and often intimidating world of publishing.

The Process

When you meet with Bruce, he will have reviewed the materials he requested from you in advance—your manuscript, title, pitch letter, CV, and book description—to gain an understanding of the quality of your writing, who you are, and your goals as a writer. That helps him determine where your book fits into the publishing landscape. During your telephone conversation he will identify opportunities that set you apart from the pack, point towards publishers you should be pitching, and sharpen your approach so your manuscript lands on the “to read pile” at the publisher’s or agent’s office—the first step towards getting published. Your title may change during that discussion, as will your pitch letter, and you may discover that your work is timely and didn’t even know it. Come with questions, an open mind, and expect honesty and solid advice from this seasoned professional.

Helping Talent Grow

Bruce has worked with everyone from Dean Koonz to David Baldacci and has experience in fiction, nonfiction, poetry, children's books, translations, and scholarly titles. He has worked with some of the world best known authors, but many of his greatest successes have been with writers that have been ignored or dismissed, until he published them. He has a gift for finding talent and helping it grow. He can help you, too.

Embrace the Unconventional

A book saved Bruce’s life as an 11 year old, making him a life long reader and sceptical of conventional wisdom. He went into publishing because of that experience. Although a dismal student and college drop out, Bruce founded a university press, the only press director in the world without a degree. Yet, things didn’t look good at the beginning of his career, when he resigned in protest from his first job in publishing, after Oxford University Press censored the book, Gay Ideas. That he turned an academic press into a hit machine got everyone’s attention, which is how he became publisher of House of Anansi Press, considered one of the best independent trade houses in the world.If the conventional route is not working for you, embrace the unconventional and book an appointment with Bruce.

Working with Writers Groups

Bruce also meets with writer’s groups to demystify the publishing process. He explains the importance of “fit” in publishing, and what a good pitch package includes. He explains the functions and expectations of the editorial, production, and marketing departments, as well as the importance of timelines and professionalism. He discusses the Zeitgeist and how it can make the difference in getting published (timeliness is golden in publishing). His goal is to strengthen the writers’ position in their approach to publishing. He welcomes questions during his presentation.

Hear Bruce Walsh’s insights and enthusiasm for publishing in this captivating podcast interview!